[WW] rewa zeitgeist
How to talk to people about Covid rev 09 Aug 2022

With Covid not only *not* going away, but actually increasing in places (although sadly downplayed by governments), expression concerns about others' risky behavior seems even more necessary and urgent.
It seems like it should be cut-and-dried facts, but for some reason the Covid conversation seems to be defensive, adversarial, emotional.
And many don't even want to talk about it.
What to do?
Here's some ideas for talking with people with compassion.

Talking about general Covid protective measures

Be realistic, you can't control others' behavior.
Protect yourself.
Which will also protect others.
Be consistent with your own precautions, and thus be an example
Be clear in yourself why you are taking precautions, and how your concern is due to care for others.
Talk informally about the adjustments you've made and how it is not fun.
Keep it light, even make it fun: "Oh we're eating now? Hey Covid virus! Run and hide now, their masks are off, they're eating! :D" (Without being sarcastic though! Can do?)

How to talk to family about risky Covid behavior
2 december 2020
-- Kelsey Borresen
Huffington Post

* https://www.adventhealth.com/blog/how-navigate-family-disagreements-covid-19-risk
    Good suggestions.

* https://www.huffpost.com/entry/family-friends-not-taking-coronavirus-seriously_l_5e710940c5b6eab7793d91f0
    Good suggestions.

* https://hub.jhu.edu/2020/08/27/how-to-navigate-social-interactions-during-pandemic/

* https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/how-talk-your-friends-family-about-covid-vaccines-wearing-masks-n1250631

* https://www.cnet.com/health/what-to-do-when-friends-and-family-arent-taking-covid-19-seriously/

to people in public:

* https://www.npr.org/2020/07/28/896134292/covid-19-etiquette-6-common-conundrums-and-a-printable-pocket-guide
  This is really good. 

* https://www.forbes.com/sites/briannawiest/2020/04/08/the-psychological-reason-why-some-people-arent-following-covid-19-quarantine-orders/
  (anxiety -> denial)

Search found lot of the above; there is more:
    woh a lot of hits.  "empathy"  "tough love" "compassion" "boundaries"

Talking about Covid vaccines


* https://www.unicef.org/coronavirus/how-talk-about-covid-19-vaccines

* https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/blog/talking-to-unvaccinated-friends-family

Points to consider


* https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/groups/families-covid-19.html