What about you? intro-what_about_you-all_talks.html — rev 13 November 2018 ➽ back to dir

The W W W W
Wonderful World Wide Web
How many use the Web?
... not facebook, not Web apps on your phone: The Web! Websites!
How many make a Website for yourself?
... do coding/graphics/whatever you do/ for yourself only?
How many spend time coding, reading about Web technologies and techniques,
... trying things out,
... when not at work?
Have you tried different operating systems?
Do you know why you use the one you use? I mean techinically, why does it work for you and your work?
Do you know why you use such-and-such technique, display, or technology on a Website?
Have you tried other ways of doing it?
Have you researched and tried the most minimal way of doing it?
Do you know why you use such-and-such technology for coding, push, etc?
Have you tried other ways of doing it?
How many are good touch typists?
Use command line?
Care about their text editor?
How much do you care about words?
You write code? Code is words!