howto: http redirect rev 16 dec 2021 ....................................................... is cached in browser: Browsers aggressively cache permanent redirects. Will need to clear the browser cache when testing them. This won't help other unknown people. [16 dec 2021] ....................................................... using environment variables: The use of an expression, like %{env:SERVER_HOST_NAME}, at the URL of a is not possible, unless it's placed within a Example: SetEnvIfExpr true SERVER_HOST_NAME=mynewdomain.example .*)"> Redirect permanent https://%{env:SERVER_HOST_NAME}/%{env:MATCH_REMAINING} The named group, REMAINING at the allows you to append the requested URL path to the URL send with the redirect response. So the client gets redirect to the same URL path but on SERVER_HOST_NAME. -- -- _______________________________________________________ begin 15 aug 2019 -- 0 --