howto - all websites: code - bodyig rev 26 may 2019 Canonical name in comments/code: bodyig or bo ....................................................... the code for tibetan script ..................... the html: ..................... -core.css: DO: find and add WPML-related css. /* {{ Tibetan bodyig - no wpml: */ *[lang=bo], /* any bodyig */ html[lang="bo-CN"], /* all bodyig */ html[lang="bo-IN"], /* all bodyig */ html[lang="en-US"] .bo, /* bodyig in english pages */ a[hreflang="bo"], /* bodyig link */ ul#menu-top-nav-bo, /* bodyig top nav */ .bo { /* misc bodyig */ font-family: himalaya, "Monlam Uchen1", "Tibetan Machine Uni", "Arial Unicode"; font-size: 1.5em; line-height: 2; } html[lang="bo-CN"] .en, html[lang="bo-IN"] .en { /* english in bodyig pages */ font-family: Times, "Times Roman", serif; font-size: 1.5em; line-height: 1.3; } .bo.block { display: block; } .bo.inline { /* this is when it's just a word or two; we don't want to enlarge the height of the entire line */ line-height: inherit; } /* to compensate for smaller font size set in .alternate */ { font-size: 1.5em; } /* }} Tibetan bodyig - no wpml. */ ..................... -main.css - sample additional styling: _______________________________________________________ begin 26 may 2019 -- 0 --