howto: flatfile or wordpress? rev 14 jun 2018 > plan | issues | sources ....................................................... plan: wordpress is getting sucked into the quagmire of over-complication and google-type evilness. rethinking my idea of putting all sites in wordpress; now going the other way -- just use my tried and true shell/includes/php methods. and maybe move a couple sites that i was putting into wordpress, back out. use wordpress for big complex sites that really need it: tibetsun, misshimalaya, kowthamcenter, ... truly multi-lingual: namgyalmonastery, helpwithbooks. ....................................................... issues: need wordpress? * forms. * updated by someone else, by several people. * complex site structure. * complex content type in part of site. * big - more than 100 pages (maybe). ....................................................... sources: .... _______________________________________________________ since: 14 jun 2018 -- 0 --