to dirprocess: block bad bots in cloudflare                                    rev 28 jun 2021

Category: websites


  * Block with 'Bot Fight Mode' in Cloudflare Firewall.
      - Identifies traffic matching patterns of known bots
      - Issues computationally expensive challenges in response to these bots
      - Notifies Bandwidth Alliance partners (if applicable) to disable bots

	Enable Bot Fight Mode
      Go to Firewall.
      Select Bots.
      For Bot Fight Mode, select On.

	  You can see bot-related actions by going to Firewall ⇒  Overview. 
	  Any requests challenged by this product will be labeled
      Bot Fight Mode in the Service field. This allows you to observe,
      analyze, and follow trends in your bot traffic over time.

  * Block with firewall rules in Cloudflare Firewall.

  "Currently there is no easy way to block all bots using Cloudflare 
   (I can say that after a lot of research and many useless
    chats with their support)."
  "At the moment Cloudflare can only:
    - block malicious bots that perform attacks detected by WAF rules (e.g. SQL injections)
    - block malicious bots that performed attacks or sent spam in the past (based on their IP reputation)
    - block malicious bots that are part of a DDoS attack
    - rate limit bots and users using the rate limiting feature
    - detect and whitelist safe / known bots ( like Google"
  -- collimarco
  24 sep 2019


  * Web searches:


begin 28 jun 2021
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