howto: disable embeds - all cp/wp sites rev 12 may 2019 > code | plugin ....................................................... do: code in functions file plugin disable-embeds ....................................................... why: ...................................................... how - code: It's entirely possible, but looks just enough a bit more complicated, that i'd rather have the plugin do it, than try to figure it out myself. [12 may 2019] * * * * It will disable some oEmbed-related functionalities: Remove the REST API endpoints, oEmbed auto discovery, and oEmbed-specific JavaScript from the front-end and back-end. If you want to remove everything related to oEmbed, get disable-embeds plugin. ...................................................... how - plugin: * "Prevents others from embedding your site. Prevents you from embedding other non-whitelisted sites. Disables all JavaScript related to the feature." The plugin will remove rewrite rules related to embeds, Tiny MCE plugins, and more. ...................................................... how - Use it as an MU plugin: Put the plugin folder in wp-content/mu-plugins Put a file in your mu-plugins folder that contains the following: