howto: comment form standards - all [do] 7 sep 2018 > the standards | how-tos | sources ....................................................... the standards: form: 1) remove website field. in functions/comment_handling.php 2) add location field. in functions/comment_handling.php 2) textarea field - character counter "1800 characters available (limit is 1800 chars/300 words)" plugin gregs-comment-length-limiter - shows in characters. using on tibetsun. Somewhere i have something else that shows in words. better, use that. comment policy: 2) in comments.php privacy/security/gdpr: 1) new (wp 4.9) "want to save name email etc for future comments?" checkbox. research -- has something to do with GDPR. wording seems confusing to me -- change wording maybe. 2) wording/link after form:

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(modified from automatic link made by wordpress.) 2) math comment spam protection - plugin. 3) link to site privacy/security page. general comments management: 1) normalise functions/plugin for managing comment form. ....................................................... howtos: ............................... 1) how-to remove fields from comment form: function remove_email_url($fields) { unset($fields['url']); unset($fields['email']); return $fields; } add_filter('comment_form_default_fields', 'remove_email_url'); // i think i already have something like this, as function or plugin. ............................... 2) about the "want to save name ..." checkobox: ............................... 3, 4) general comment form customising: show code for modifying all parts of the comment form. ............................... sources: * _______________________________________________________ since: jun 2018 -- 0 --