howto: managing the cpwp admin bar rev 14 sep 2020 > what is | disable | sources ....................................................... What is the Admin Bar: The admin bar is that floating bar at the top of the screen. By default it displays in the admin and on each site page when logged in. It contains useful administration screen links such as 'add a new post', 'see pending comments', 'edit your profile', etc. Can be extended by plugins to add/remove functionality. You can turn it off in Users»Your Profile. * 18 jan 2018 ....................................................... Disable admin bar for all users except administrators: * In functions file or site-specific plugin: ---------------------------------------------------------------- add_action('after_setup_theme', 'remove_admin_bar'); function remove_admin_bar() { if ( !current_user_can('administrator') && !is_admin() ) { show_admin_bar(false); } } ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Source: Lots of discussion on that page for problems and solutions. 4 sep 2014, discussion goes up to 2020. ....................................................... Disable admin bar for all users: * In functions file or site-specific plugin: ---------------------------------------------------------------- show_admin_bar(false); ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Source: Lots of discussion on that page for problems and solutions. 4 sep 2014, discussion goes up to 2020. ....................................................... sources: * More about admin bar at WPBeginner _______________________________________________________ since: begin 11 aug 2018 -- 0 --