Domain and website info - DOMAIN.TLD rev 18 jan 2023 ....................................................... Important: Save this information in a safe place, where you can easily get to it. It will be indispensable to any tech person who helps you with the domain or the site. All this information is the responsibility of the person/people who own DOMAIN.TLD -- That means you :) Most of it will be used by the tech person who is helping you -- but like the keys to your room, this info is yours and it is up to you to keep it safe. You don't need to understand all these things -- although it will be very useful to you if you can slowly get understanding. The more you know, the better you can work with any tech person who is helping you. ....................................................... domain registration - ownership of the name: The domain name "DOMAIN.TLD" was registered at REGISTRAR http://REGISTRAR username: USERNAME password: XXXXXXXX tech contact: EMAIL Customer ID: NNNNNN Support PIN: NNNNNN Whois privacy is/isnot enabled. Protect from unauthorized transfer: "Theft protection" is enabled - ... Domain Secret: NNNNNNN - ... Knowledge Base: URL This is the section of their Knowledge Base concerned with domain names, which is your interest at Vayuhost. It has a lot of interesting and useful information there, well-written and organised. You can see your domain registration info by logging into your registrar at the link above, or quickly without logging in by going to (or any other "whois" service) ....................................................... dns - the "telephone book" of the Internet: Tells the world where DOMAIN.TLD lives. CloudFlare login ... ....................................................... website hosting - this is where DOMAIN.TLD lives: Your website https://www.DOMAIN.TLD is hosted for free at This is paid for by Jeff Lebow and adminstered by James Walker The control panel for managing your server is called cPanel. username: username password: password ....................................................... classicpress login and information: ClassicPress is the CMS software that will be running the website. login: TBD - not installed yet [19 apr 2019] Your website will be running on a CMS (Content Management System) called ClassicPress, which is a new, improved version of WordPress. Most things that you do on the website will be just the same as you would do on a site built in WordPress. database: hostuser_dbname [made dd mmm 202Y] hostuser_username : password ....................................................... email forwarders: as of dd mmm 202Y (also called "email aliases") ....................................................... archive: Your website is being archived for posterity at the WayBack Machine -*/DOMAIN.TLD starting dd mmm 202Y. ....................................................... Your current tech person: Infos ... _______________________________________________________ begin 19 apr 2019 -- 0 --