to dir
change username 
rev 14 nov 2022
Category: gnu-linux
» usermod↓ 

You only want to do this on a freshly-installed system.
If the system is in production, or has been used for
a while with many files, it is better to just make
a new user, and then copy over the files you want
from the old user.

➽ usermod:

  # On success, the usermod command does not display any output.

  # You can't change the username of the currently logged-in user.
  # So - you can sudo *as a different user*, or log in as root. 

  # change the username:
  $ usermod -l newusername oldusername

  # make new directory, and move files from old dir to this new one,
  #   with correct file permissions and ownership:
  $ usermod -d /home/newusername -m newusername

  # Change the new username group:
  $ groupmod -n newgroupname oldgroupname
  # or
  # make a new group?
  $ groupadd newgroupname
  # and
  $ usermod -g newgroupname newusername

  # Assign sudo privileges to the new username
  #   (in debian-based distro):
  $ usermod -aG sudo newusername

  # Change the user's ID:
  $ usermod -u nnnn username

  # change the display  name:
  $ usermod -c "First Last" username
  # or
  $ chfn -f "First Last" username

  # Check the changes with the id command:
  $ id newusername

  # Now exit from the root user, log in as new user,
  # and verify if the hostname, username, and $HOME directories are changed:
  $ whoami
  $ echo $HOME

      This one looks most clear for basic username change.

      These are good for alternative reading and grokking.

      Examples of all the options for usermod. Pretty clear.

begin 10 nov 2022
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