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vim: how-tos
rev 12 nov 2022
» why vim↓   misc small howtos↓    macros↓    set↓    sources↓

why vim?

  * As you advance in web development, some day you will
      find yourself needing to edit some file on the server.
      A GUI editor won't work there.
      Vim is 'modal' - it's not a GUI - so it will work.
      All servers will have vi or vim installed.
      So learning at least the basics will be useful to you.

  * Why James uses vim.
      Nothing but vim since 1992. Why?
      No it's not pretty. No it's not easy. It takes time to
      learn how to get the power out of it.
      But as you learn:
        - Powerful: Vim has many amazing commands, you can do 
            anything you need to do.
        - Fast: if you are a fast typist, you can work fast!
            your hands never leave the keyboard, all movements,
            search, copy/paste, and much more, are 
            keyboard commands.
        - Concentrate on the work: With everything happening 
            through my fingers, i never have to think about 
            the mouse, or about anything except my coding. 
            I like that.

  * vim at 30 - here's why it's still relevant:

✶  misc small vim howtos:

✶  record a series of commands (make a macro):

  To start recording, press 'q' in normal mode followed by a letter (a to z). 
    That starts recording keystrokes to the specified register. 
    Vim displays 'recording' in the status line. 
  Type any normal mode commands, or enter insert mode and type text. 
  To stop recording, again press 'q' while in normal mode.
  To playback your keystrokes, press @ followed by the letter previously chosen. 
    Typing @@ repeats the last playback. 

  * Recording keys for repeated jobs
  * Macros

✶  Difference between set, setlocal, setglobal


  * :help set

➽  sources for vim info and howtos:

  * Vim Tips Wiki

  * Vim Forum: vim use

  * Vim StackExchange

  * Home of Vim

  * Vim documentation

  * Working with Unicode

begin 14 oct 2020
Category: editors - vim
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