to dircp/wp plugin: user activity log - NOTES                               rev 12 nov 2021

Category: category
cp/wp: classicpress and wordpress 
webwalker: deprecated - any activity log plugin.
            has gotten complicated, and all i really wanted was something
            to show me when someone has logged in.
            Maybe would be good to use? if site did get hacked, it would be
              good to have a trail.
              BUT - big fat database. And would i look at it even?


  Track all users activity on your website - editing, admin tasks, etc.
  Sends email if desired.

  why i use this type of plugin: 
    1) I mostly use it to let me know when a user has logged in.
        Rarely use it to me notified of changes.
    2) If there are several users managing content, it's good to know
         when activity is going on. 
    3) If someone is doing something when i'm not expecting anyone to
         be logged in, that's good to know!

  support: TBD

  privacy: TBD

  CP compat:  [listed CP v1, author promises support, ...]
  CP support: [details]
  Version recommendation: FREEZE at n.n | UPDATE OK


  Plugin page: log

  Plugin site:

  WordPress forums:
  ClassicPress forums:

  Docs and code:

  Author: SolwinInfotech


* SolwinInfotch is aggressive in marketing its services through
    intrusive panels on dashboard and on plugin settings page.
    It may have caused admin issues on one of my websites,
      haven't figured it out yet.
      [feb 2021]

* commas in values not escaped on export (duh)

  "If I log a value with commas in it the CSV export breaks due to a lack of field escaping."
  (hmm this is in aryo activity log. owell i'll just dump them all together
    since i don't think i'm gonna use any of them.)


➽  Install/config/uninstall:


   as of plugin version 1.4.4
   php: > v.5.6
   wp:  > v.4.0
   memory, anything else

recommended related plugins: 
  dunno yet.


  the usual.

settings: TBD

    Has its own sidebar menu
    Settings link on plugin page

check: TBD
  [such as: mail sending? plugin sends/saves data for itself? plugin conflicts? etc]

deactivate: TBD

uninstall: TBD

  - deletes from database?


➽ Notes:

some note: TBD

➽  links and resources: TBD

➽  other plugins of same type: TBD

  Why this one: TBD

begin 28 feb 2021
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