cp/wp plugin: query monitor - NOTES                             rev 26 aug 2021

Category: category
cp/wp: classicpress and wordpress [or only one or the other]
webwalker: essential | useful | deprecated


  Summary of what it does. TBD

  why i use this type of plugin: TBD

  support: Looks good in WP forum [4 nov 2020]

  privacy: TBD

  CP compat:  [listed CP v1, author promises support, ...]
  CP support: [details]
  Version recommendation: FREEZE at n.n | UPDATE OK


  Plugin page: 

  Plugin site: 

  WordPress forums: 
  ClassicPress forums:

  Docs and code: TBD

  Author: [author name and link] TBD

issues: TBD

➽  Install/config/uninstall:

requires: TBD

   php: > v.n.n
   wp:  > v.n.n
   memory, anything else

recommended related plugins: TBD

install: TBD

  the usual.
  special instructions

settings: TBD

    under Settings sidebar menu.
    has its own sidebar menu
    settings link on plugin page
    dashboard | tools menu || plugin screen || in file || none

check: TBD
  [such as: mail sending? plugin sends/saves data for itself? plugin conflicts? etc]

deactivate: TBD

uninstall: TBD

  - deletes from database?


➽ Notes:

running on live server

  "There's no reason to keep it active on prod unless you're investigating an issue or keeping an eye on things. There's some info in the FAQ about the performance impact of QM but it does depend on how many queries, errors, HTTP API calls, hooks etc are running."

➽  links and resources: TBD

➽  other plugins of same type: TBD

  Why this one: TBD

begin 4 nov 2020
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