Zeitgeist: Responsibility rev 3 feb 2023 》social | political | personal | denial/disinfo .................... > Social: Schools are superspreaders (@pixplz@mastodon.social) Links to articles and info. Newsletter. https://mstdn.social/@pixplz@mastodon.social retr 2 feb 2023 .................... > Political: What happens when COVID-19 emergency declarations end? Implications for coverage, costs, and access Detailed layout of what the emergency declarations provide now, and what will change. KFF https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/what-happens-when-covid-19-emergency-declarations-end-implications-for-coverage-costs-and-access/ pub 30 jan 2023 "CDC advice for avoiding infection to immunocompromised (and everyone else) is deal with COVID infection. "Each point [of 11 points] will have a parenthetical with my comment." Thread. Conclusion of thread: "Essentially what the CDC said here was screw you, we aren't protecting you, protect yourself from these new variants that have beaten almost all tools we have. ... "This is a pandemic of CDCs making now." Source: "CDCs main points ... in greater but equally unhelpful detail: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/wr/mm7205e3.htm?s_cid=mm7205e3_w And discussion. -- ZeroCovidColin @ZeroCovidColin@zeroes.ca https://mstdn.social/@ZeroCovidColin@zeroes.ca/109767614390585080 pub 28 jan 2023 "Many people want me to trust the CDC. "I want the CDC to be trustworthy. "They've gone off the rails with COVID. "They completely changed their [public health] response to minimize the pandemic and are deliberately communicating in a way that allows people to ignore transmission, hospitalization, disability, and deaths that result. "They're following 'out of sight, out of mind' so that Democrats can declare victory and move on politically. "You're asking me to not care they are endangering my family." Discussion on the same lines and expanding some branches. -- ZeroCovidColin @ZeroCovidColin@zeroes.ca https://mstdn.social/@ZeroCovidColin@zeroes.ca/109745000896921990 pub 24 jan 2023 .................... > Personal: During the pandemic -- Dr Linda McIver Australian Data Science Education Institute https://adsei.org/2023/01/30/during-the-pandemic/ pub 30? jan 2023 *** Shielding under endemic SARS-CoV-2 conditions is easier said than done: a model-based analysis "A common framing of the public health position in many countries is that managing COVID-19 infection risk is now a matter of 'personal responsibility'. However, the practical feasibility of reducing one’s risk from SARS-CoV-2 through personal protective measures remains an open question. ... the removal of mask mandates exposes individuals to unmasked crowds in indoor settings where exposure is unavoidable (such as public transit, schools, grocery stores and medical settings), making it difficult for individuals to opt-out of the additional COVID-19 risk." "At an individual level, people who are vaccinated and not taking measures to reduce their contact rate can expect to spend an average of 6 days a year acutely sick with COVID-19 (1.4 infections/yr times 4.4 days average duration 59, and also incur a 12% risk of long COVID (symptoms lasting more than 3 months)." (Pre-print; not yet peer-reviewed) medRxiv https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.01.22.23284884v1.full-text pub 22 jan 2023 .................... > Denial, disinfo, (un)critical thinking: How to do research https://i.imgur.com/djedB0k.jpg "I for one like empirical evidence as the basis on policy with strong focus on empathetic interpretation of data that uses the lens of intersectional analysis." Image, comment. https://imgur.com/gallery/0PaT6Zj pub 31 jan 2023 "Easy to make everything a conspiracy when you don't know how anything works." https://i.imgur.com/9clh17t.jpg -- 0 --