Zeitgeist - general                   rev 2 jan 2022

10 lessons I’ve learned from the Covid–19 pandemic
"The guiding principle of outbreak response is hope for the best but prepare for the worst. It has felt too often in this pandemic that people are forgetting about the second part of that maxim."
This is a really really good overview of the Covid world situation.
Somewhat focused on US.
-- Helen Branswell
28 dec 2021

ANA finally steps up for nurses! 
CDC said healthcare prov shouldn't stop to put on PPE before CPR on Covid patients.
Good comments: CDC has really lost credibility.

SCIENCE? “It sounds like this decision had just as much to do with business as it did the science." @kaitlancollins ➡️@CDCDirector: "It really had a lot to do with what we thought people would be able to tolerate." …she blurted it out! 
-- Eric Feigl-Ding    @DrEricDing
29 dec 2021

As a non-virologist, here are some things I have learned about covid that I would not have guessed before the pandemic. They are super counter-intuitive:
Awesome thread. 
-- Keletso Makofane, MPH, PhD   @klts0
28 dec 2021

"Everything we do before a pandemic will seem alarmist. Everything we do after will seem inadequate." 
-- M. Leavitt

It sure seems like everyone is getting COVID. Here’s what you need to know
An epidemiologist talks about safety precautions for the holidays, the necessity of boosters, and what happens next.
"For a lot of people, it feels like in some ways we’re back to the uncertainty of March 2020. Why do you think that is, and do you view the current situation in the same way?"
-- Dr. Lisa Gralinski, assistant professor of epidemiology
17 nov 2021

Because 'essential' worker sounds less oppressive than 'sacrificial' employee 

NIH director Francis Collins wanted a 'take-down' to stifle Covid-19 debate
"In a world where scientists were trapped in their own homes for months, a series of dialogues — even virtual ones — made available for the broader scientific community, policy makers, and the public would have benefited us all."
Great Barrington Declaration - idea of focused protection.
John Snow Memorandum - one-size-fits all restrictions. 
-- Vinay Prasad
23 dec 2021

The liberals who can’t quit lockdown
"Progressive communities have been home to some of the fiercest battles over COVID-19 policies, and some liberal policy makers have left scientific evidence behind."
The politicisation of pandemic response  :/
-- Emma Green
4 may 2021
The Atlantic

Just realized no one has talked about this: Topic of sending kids back to school
dec 2020

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