rewa - masks rev 28 oct 2022 > types | why wear | effectiveness | use and care | fake | resources ....................................................... types: ......................... cloth and surgical masks: Not effective against tiny virus. ......................... N95 respirator: Uses electrostatic charges to catch tiny viruses. Washing or moisture will disable the charge. "The word N95 denotes that these types of face masks can filter at least 95% of aerosols at particle size 0.3 μm." -- Study - intechopen - see sources below * Aura N95: "It is time to reveal to the world the secret for not catching COVID: a genetic variant called the Aura N95. Carriers of this allele, don't take it off their face when they are around people, they will often not break the seal for their entire work day." Cute riffs on the joke, but also good links, and photos of high-end masks. -- Christos Argyropoulos MD, PhD @ChristosArgyrop 12 mar 2022 ......................... P100 respirator: Face-fitting. more effective. ......................... Full face respirator; elastomeric respirator: More face-fitting. more effective. ......................... Transparent face mask Section 6.3 pub 22 dec 2021 Types of masks and respirators US Center for Disease Control (CDC) retr 3 jun 2022 ....................................................... why wear mask: This thread with many people explaining why they still wear masks. This one could be me: "Yes. I took both microbiology and evolutionary biology in college. I also listen to epidemiology dr’s who know much more than I do. Also , in the 2 years of wearing a mask, I’ve got 0 colds or flu. I normally get 2 a year" -- (For the previous 8 years i had been getting 2-4 very bad cases of flu every winter. For the past 2 years: None. Zero. ) 26 mar 2022 Other comebacks to people questioning mask: "It's in memory of my [nephew | some close person who died of covid]" "Oh yes i am. And i see you are wearing shoes. and pants. Good show!" "Yes, i'm trying to not get other people sick." ......................... effectiveness: Mask use in the context of COVID-19 -- WHO PDF 1 dec 2020 ....................................................... use and care of masks: ....................................................... fake masks: * How to spot fake N95 masks In context of India, Asia. May not have the higher N95 filtration. May have harmful checmicals in the fabric. Must have over-the-head bands, not ear-loops. How to spot: - should have NIOISH logo printed on it in block letters. Misrepresentation of NIOSH approval: - brand name: Should have its brand name printed clearly. Can check the brand’s name and its certification with NIOSH at pub 26 apr 2021 ....................................................... * Resources: * Face mask: A novel material for protection against bacteria/virus -- Thilagavathi Govindharajan and Viju Subramoniapllai "... characteristics, features and uses of different types of masks are discussed. Characteristics of various nonwoven technologies for manufacturing face masks are also discussed. Test methods and recent developments in face masks are briefly covered." Lots of fine details about the materials, how masks are made and tested. "The filtration mechanism of filter fabrics is mainly based on physical filtration mechanism namely interception, inertial impact, diffusion, gravitation, and electrostatic attraction." "[electrostatic] charges will decompose steadily during use or long-term storage." pub 22 dec 2021 * NIOSH-approved particulate filtering facepiece respirators explains requirements, and links to pages of approved manufacturers. US Center for Disease Control (CDC) retr 3 jun 2022 * FAQ for COVID-19 masks: World Health Organisation (WHO) retr 3 jun 2022 _______________________________________________________ begin 7 apr 2022 -- 0 --